Shanda On Demand: A Strong Mindset with Flex Time

Looking to revolutionize your financial landscape? It’s time to consider not just your money, but your mindset and time management. Watch the video below for a conversation that goes beyond surface-level advice.

Watch the video below for more detailed insights and actionable advice.

In today’s dynamic financial landscape, managing money isn’t just about numbers—it’s about mastering your mind. Our guest today, Shanda Sumpter, founder of HeartCore Business, dives deep into the concept that links mindset with income brackets and highlights how to manage challenges like self-doubt and frustration.



Key Takeaways:

Taking Time Off Strategically:

Shanda introduces a concept widely embraced by few in the industry—flex time. Unlike the traditional 9-to-5 grind, flex time allows for a more balanced approach to work and personal life. According to Shanda, last weeks of each month can be off-days without hurting your income. It’s not about escaping work; it’s about creating room to think, strategize, and recharge. Senior managers at HeartCore Business swear by it, as do entrepreneurs like Dan Sullivan from Strategic Coach.


Mindful Decision-Making:

Managing your mind means setting achievable targets and focusing your energy toward them. Shanda’s advice is to decide what your flex time looks like and commit to it by the end of today. She boldly admits to taking the last week of every month off because she has strategically set up her finances to support this lifestyle. She warns against being a workaholic—a trait she once owned—because it doesn’t necessarily equate to productivity.


The Zone and Pressure Management:

Being in ‘the zone’ means hyper-focusing on tasks that align with your business objectives. Shanda’s tip for getting into the zone involves defining your flex time and communicating it to everyone in your life. She also shares how a virtual assistant catapulted her monthly income from $2,000 to $240,000 in just a year. Handling pressure comes with the territory of running a business. Instead of crumbling under it, use it as a catalyst to propel yourself forward.


The Final Takeaway:

To embark on this journey toward financial freedom, Shanda lists three actionable steps: 

  1. Decide your financial and personal goals for the year.
  2. Read ‘The One Thing’ to help streamline your focus.
  3. Surround yourself with people who inspire growth.

By managing your mind and time effectively, you’re not just setting yourself up for financial freedom—you’re unlocking the door to a more fulfilling life.

In Just Three Days You’ll Discover How to Go From 2x to 10x So That You Can Level Up Your Income, Your Network, and Your Support to Regain Your Freedom. Join us at the Zone Event.