If you’re a part of the HeartCore Business™ community, then we know you want big results.
You want to create a movement, change the lives of as many people as you can, and, of course, experience the freedom that comes from running a thriving, successful business.
That’s why, today, we’re sharing three tips for supercharging your results—so you can reach the million-dollar mark quickly, no matter where you are now. Watch this episode of “Coffee With Shanda” and get fired up from Shanda herself.
Before you supercharge your results, you must consider this:
The first thing you must do is believe that you are worthy—of success, of abundance, of more money, of whatever you want.
In so many cases when we talk to entrepreneurs, we dial in on one main reason why they’re not charging enough, why they are afraid of sales conversations, or why they’re not speaking on stages yet: it’s because they believe they aren’t worthy.
When you believe you’re worthy, you immediately begin attracting more opportunities for abundance.
So how do you turn up that worthiness factor if you struggle with it?
The Number One way to increase your own feelings of worthiness is to help people. Look at your life, your day-to-day interactions, and think about who you can help today. Consider where you’re having success and how you can share that with others, to help them succeed even better.
You can help anyone—it can be someone who’s struggling, or it can be someone who is even more successful than you are. You likely have something to share that could help someone have more free time, earn more money, or feel more fulfilled.
Now, here are three tips to get to the million-dollar mark from wherever you are now:
Tip 1. Become obsessed with one thing in your business.
Chasing the money can be tempting. You see what you believe are opportunities, but in reality, those opportunities are actually distractions—they’re taking you away from focusing on your unique ability.
For example, a love or relationship coach might see another relationship coach who’s making a million dollars a year. And she might reach out to that successful entrepreneur and ask her, “How are you doing it? Can you teach me?”
That successful business coach, tempted to make more money, may just open another section of her business, just to coach other relationship coaches on how to grow their businesses—when what they really SHOULD be doing is focusing on their relationship coaching, because THAT is their unique ability.
When you’re thinking about the one thing you’re going to focus on in your business, master it. Continually look at ways you can adjust, tweak, or make it better. Practice it, make it better. Look at what’s working and what isn’t, and adjust.
If you optimize these little things, you’ll find that you have so much leverage and you can move into millions really quickly.
Tip 2. Identify the big dials in your business—and turn on that obsession.
Ask yourself what one thing could you get obsessed about that would really crank that big lever for you. It might be hiring a salesperson or creating a webinar training or investing in a VIP Day with a great coach or mentor.
It might take you a week or a month or even a year to turn these dials, to make these things happen.
Don’t compare yourself to anyone else—just turn that dial and you’ll start getting results.
Tip 3. Optimize your thinking.
You don’t have to have a ton of talent to go from zero to millions. But you DO have to optimize your thinking.
While it’s easy to see fear of failure, fear of success can also stop us from hitting that million-dollar mark. Fear of success holds us back!
We convince ourselves that we’re not ready, or that we don’t have enough. So even as we’re trying to push ourselves into success, or force success to happen, we sabotage ourselves.
One of the biggest indicators that your fear of success is holding you back is that you’re “too busy” to do the things you know you should do: work out, go to your mastermind calls, get those big tasks done.
What if you just let go? What if, instead of trying to control and do everything, you focused on those big-dial movers?
In conclusion …
With obsessive focus on the big-dial movers in your business, and optimized thinking, you can go from zero to millions, no matter what. You can do this!
Hold yourself accountable. Tell us in the comments section that you WILL follow this path.