[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”25″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” font_color=”%23C6008B”]Mom’s Making Millions Interview with Marilyn Sorensen
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”20″ font_font=”Verdana” font_color=”%23000000″ left_padding=”20″]Topic: Using Your Personal Power to Create The Life You Want

Gift: Sacred Money Contract[/text_block]


[text_block style=”undefined” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” font_color=”%23000000″]It is said that the meaning of life is to find your gifts and the purpose is to give them away. At Marilyn Knows we help you discover what your Soul’s Agenda is by determining your Life Path, Life Challenge and Life Purpose. The answers are literally at your fingertips! One of the wonderful tools we use is scientific hand analysis that creates a compass to help keep you on course with your purpose.

Whether it’s in our relationships, career, health, spirituality or business, when we have clarity and confidence in our lives, we our empowered to make decisions that keep us fulfilled and excited to design the life we desire.

Each of us is born with a sacred financial destiny we are meant to fulfill. Understanding what your Sacred Money Archetypes are allows you to align your spiritual and financial success. Empower your boundaries, actions, voice and integrity so you can apply the strengths of your Sacred Money Archetype with ANYONE and in ANY money situation so you can stop chipping away at your self-esteem and instead start confidently and respectfully standing in your power!

Marilyn will help you map out a personal plan that empowers you to take aligned action today and beyond, to generate greater income while fulfilling your purpose and honoring what you value most.[/text_block]