Straight from Shanda Sumpter…
Every time I feel like I’m comfortable, like I can coast for a while, either a new idea or a hard moment takes me over.
This may sound strange, but I almost welcome the hard moment instead of the new idea first!
Here’s why: when a new idea takes over your mind, it feels like “IT.” This idea seems so in alignment with your dreams and aspirations for your life, you can bank on the fact that after you start working that idea, DIFFICULTY will step in to interrupt your momentum. (I bet you’ve had this happen before.)
I believe the difficulty comes because often (not always), but often, that idea is attached to a selfish drive.
The flip side of this coin is when you find yourself in a mess . . . try looking UP to solve it. Because when you’re in a mess, normally that mess has other people connected to it.
If you focus OUT to serve the people who are in this mess with you, a million-dollar idea will be birthed.
This may just be me, but this formula has worked every time without fail.
The first way—when I sit down to figure out what I’m creating next for more money, more free time, or something self-driven, I often find myself in the breakdown of not wanting to clean it up. It sucks the life out of me.
The summary here is to focus out and allow your generous heart to solve other people’s problems that are like yours.
You’ll show up much stronger in service than you’ll ever endure trying to GET something next in life. Plus, it’s fulfilling! Here’s to accessing your next big breakthrough and enjoying the journey as you look up!
Let me know if this resonates with you… leave a comment below!