Where you place your focus is a huge factor in the type of success you achieve. And that’s why, inevitably, one of the most common questions HeartCore Clients ask is, “What do I focus on?”
If you’re following online marketing, you know there are tons of things you need to do. But here’s the key: you have to know what to prioritize, so you’re efficient. If you’re focusing on too many things at the same time, you’ll never have enough time—and you’ll remain stuck in that category of people who have j-o-b-s and are trying to start a business.
As you achieve different levels of financial success, the answer to the “What do I focus on?” question changes…
If you’re making between $4,000 and $10,000 per month, your biggest hurdle is getting leads.
I’m starting with this level of financial success—which I’ll refer to as “self-employed”—because it’s typically when people make the jump from J-O-B to entrepreneurship. There are six million people in the United States who earn this level of income.
If you want to take things to the next level, you’ve got to focus on getting leads … NOT on your website or your branding or your offer. At this point, you’re wasting your time focusing on those things—and I know that sounds counterintuitive.
Here’s why it’s important to get leads before you create a fancy website or blog: because if you don’t have leads, nobody sees your website or your blog or your product or your service. You need to be building a lead bucket. Get my Core Calling book, which shows you exactly how to get more leads.
If you’re making between $100,000 and $300,000 per year, your biggest hurdle is making sales.
I call this level “new employer,” and if you’re here, then you’re starting to get traction. There are 1.7 million people at this level in the United States, and I believe you should feel absolutely blessed if you’re one of them. If you want to grow your business, gratitude matters.
Your biggest hurdle here is making sales. If you need help in this department, you can try my sales training, Shanda’s Success System. I won’t get rich off this product, but you will. In it, I share the very same system we use in my own company to make sales.
If you’re making between $300,000 and $1 million per year, your biggest hurdle is marketing and service.
Typically, if you’ve reached this level of success—along with the 1.9 million Americans who’ve done so—then you have a few people on your team and you’re doing great. Your focus, then, is how can you do better? Your Number One Challenge is marketing and serving—fulfilling that promise you’re making to your prospects and clients.
If you’re making between $1 million and $3 million per year, your biggest hurdle is people and systems.
If you’re here, that means you’re kicking ass and taking names, right? To scale and grow into seven figures, you’ve got to have systems in place. These systems must allow you to make recurring income. How do you make your team members leaders, and create a great culture inside your company? When you do that, you scale.
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