Big Dream, No Time: Business Coaching That Keeps Your Priorities Straight, Grows Your Money, and Saves You Time
It’s not fun to be in business if you work your life away. We all know people who spend their lives working, missing family dinners and feeling stressed every time they leave their business for a vacation.
That’s not the NEW way of entrepreneurship.
It’s about keeping your priorities straight, growing your money, and having enough time to enjoy the things in life that make you happy!
I remember growing up when my stepmom had to fight tooth and nail to get my dad to be on time for dinner during the week. It became such a problem that she gave up and opted to make Sundays family dinner night—NO MATTER WHAT!
Back then I never realized the benefit of family or how creating time in your life would be a skill that many entrepreneurs needed to learn so badly.
In an economy that is increasingly getting more expensive to live in, taxes through the roof, and the government spending like crazy, being an entrepreneur seems like the only safe bet. However, if you don’t do it right, you could just create another time-sucking job for yourself.
Before I give you a solution to working too hard, let me show you what causes small business entrepreneurs to miss out on their lives.
#1 Business owners often are too accessible to their peers and clients.
Are you one of those people that thinks you have to answer emails as soon as they come in? The fact that we get emails to our phones in real time has become a major “LIFE SUCKER” and wastes a lot of productive time.
SOLUTION Try taking your emails off your phone after two of them come in (see your settings section). You’ll see how your nervous system will calm down, you’ll have more fun, and your friends and family will feel more connected to you.
#2 Entrepreneurs often get behind in TAXES!
You make money and then you either put it all back into your living expenses or into your business. This causes long-term stress and has you feeling like you always have a weight hanging over your head pushing you down.
SOLUTION Have a bookkeeper do your books monthly or weekly and have them pull out your tax payments every month and pay estimated quarterly payments. This will make your life SO much easier. Start now EVEN if you are behind in your taxes.
Next, only invest money in your business that yields a short-term return. This doesn’t mean you’ll use this strategy forever, but it’s a smart plan to build a good nest egg for now. That means if you are working with a business coach, make sure you are working a money plan and not an esoteric business building plan. You need to see HOW and WHEN your return on investment is coming in.
#3 Put Yourself FIRST!
Look, if you are happy, then your business will grow faster and your family will feel your love. Work hard but use your calendar to schedule TIME OFF.
Go sign up for a series of surfing lessons, cooking school, or something that helps your brain shift gears. Trust me . . . this was a game changer for me. I saw my money increase and my freedom grow.
Don’t think that when you “GET THERE” you’ll take time off, because you won’t. And don’t stop growing your company to spend more time with your family because that’s a bad strategy, too.
That teaches your family to not take your dreams seriously and shows your kids that when they grow up and have a family, they, too, will have to sacrifice their passions. That’s a deeply seeded message that only results in a sense of loss! Why not grow a future that is filled with love, priorities, and lots of disposable income so that everyone can enjoy their lives the way they see fit?
If you have a comment or question, please leave it below in the comment box!
Much Love & Freedom,
Shanda Sumpter
Business Coach