How to Make $200,000 a Year, with Your Subscriber List
If you have a subscriber list of 4,000 people or more, you should be making $200k a year. If you haven’t built a list yet and are busy trying to create products, then STOP!
Business 101 – give your clientele what they want. The only way you can do that is to ask them properly. You can become a highly paid woman working from home in a relatively short period of time if you focus your energy on creating a list of subscribers first.
Back to owning a 4k person list!
Earning multiple six figures with a list this size is simple.
In fact, it’s completely in your power to turn your finances around right now.
I constantly hear: “My list is dead, broke, or confused.” The problem isn’t actually your list; it’s how you are speaking to them.
If you are attracting broke people, then your marketing is directed toward helping people in a victim state of mind. You’ve probably already noticed that they don’t want to pay your fees. So the thought of you raising your fees to a price that you deserve seems impossible, right?
Wrong- You can charge what you are worth and get it all day long.
Here’s why:
People spend money on what they are committed to. If you want AMAZING clients, then you have to charge higher premiums. Because we all have a relationship with money, we all pay attention and take care of the things that we pay premium pricing for.
So in my world of business coaching, my clients get results because they commit financially, and that keeps them from quitting. The fear of losing more money is so strong that they have to succeed. Of course, my team and I give them a step-by-step plan that gets them there. But what I noticed at an early stage of being a business coach is that my clients did not get the same results when my programs were less expensive. In fact, I got clients that only wanted to talk about what they needed to process. The truth is, at some point you have to stop processing and start working a plan!
I PROMISE that part of attracting your ideal client is charging a decent price for what you offer.
When you set the bar high, you attract people who are committed to playing bigger. They are tired of wasting time, and they are clear that something has to change now. Those are the people you want to work with. Their number is up to change!
Honest people make more money! Here’s the main reason why! They aren’t afraid to speak their minds.
Again in my world. I help you make more money by being honest about what you are lacking. I tell you where you aren’t showing up and then give you a plan to get there. Trust me on this. Your money is in the place you are afraid of confronting. It takes commitment and support to get there. My clients would NEVER get results if I weren’t honest with them. And the truth is, sometimes they hate what I have to say. BUT they stay with me because they get results.
Why am I telling you this?
….Because you are probably being too nice in your sales process being more concerned with being your clients’ friend than their hired help!
Honest people make more money, for sure!
Here’s what’s great. If you have a list of 4,000 or more, then invest in figuring out how to give them what they want and being honest about what they need. Don’t hold back, and your clients will stop holding back! Launch a proper online marketing campaign and make the money you deserve.
It’s not hard. It’s actually pretty easy.
So stop wasting time struggling, and get off the financial roller coaster once and for all!
Leave me a comment below and let me know what your thoughts are after reading this article.
Much Love & Happy Prosperity!
Shanda Sumpter