Women & Money: They Fit Together Like a Hand and Glove!
I’m not saying that you do this, but it really makes me sad when I see people wasting their time making costly mistakes!
Women entrepreneurs say they want to be financially free, yet when an opportunity lands in their lap, they take the BROKE way out. The challenge is in the way they are processing their decisions.
They choose to hold back, playing it safe and waiting for more money to come in before they invest. They put themselves in a hamster wheel of financial distress, struggling on a financial roller coaster, never quite having enough to be free!
The problem is they drag their feet making decisions and don’t move quickly on opportunities. Professional women who make millions working from home make their decisions fast and don’t second guess themselves.
The trick to making decisions fast and closing your back door is to free up mental real estate to produce solid results.
Look, you have to decide that you are going to make your business work now! Otherwise you are kidding yourself. If you won’t find a way now, trust me, you are going to struggle longer and often harder. Things get worse for people who don’t follow their heart, and personally, I believe that the game of life was set up that way.
Become a top income earner by playing the game of business the way the PROS do, and stop waiting for a better day. You’ll never be more ready than now.
I see women who work from home making really ignorant decisions while trying to build their business—things like working on blogging or Facebook marketing before they have a built a good list of ideal clients.
Then if they have a list, they are scared to invest in business coaching to learn how to sell properly to that list. They want to wait until they are more comfortable. That’s a BROKE woman’s way of thinking.
BUSINESS is not comfortable. It never will be, and if you are waiting for that day, you are going to be disappointed because you will never make more!
WEALTH IS LOCKED UP IN THE AREA THAT YOU ARE STUBBORNLY and LOGICALLY convincing yourself that you should not go now!
As a woman entrepreneur, you MUST, not should be, extraordinary at the sales conversation. It’s not something you can simply be good at. You have to be the BEST!
If you aren’t making money, one of these two things is “lacking” in your business model:
1)You either don’t have a good subscriber list
2)Or you have no idea how to convert your subscribers into happy, loyal clients
If you have the above two steps functioning correctly, then that’s when you are ready for advanced Facebook, Twitter, and online marketing training.
Until then – STOP spinning your wheels. And I mean that with absolute love!
I see this all the time. Stop putting off making the right moves in your business now. There is no excuse for you not to make money other than you are spending your time on the wrong strategy.
I wrote an entire blog on how it’s a SIN NOT TO BE RICH!
It’s not hard to build a business. Most entrepreneurs are simply putting their energy in the wrong areas.
Just because you see an expert or guru making money doesn’t mean their strategy is a good one for you. Stop allowing your mind to make your decisions.
Lead with your heart.
Then Build a list. Or if you have a list, get proper training on how to speak your potential clients’ language and convert them into happy, loyal clients.
Everything else is a waste of your time and will cost you money and time!
To be wealthy, you MUST take opportunities now!
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Much Love & Follow Through,
Shanda Sumpter
Business & Success Coach