We Know Women Better Than Anyone Online
The steps professional women use online to build bigger faster!
We know professional women better than anyone online because we listen to what they need.
The #1 Income-earning, wealth-building rule: Build a business that serves ideas that are bigger than your own desires!
When building a business, look outside your own head. It’s not about you and what you want. I mean, it is in one aspect. You want to work in a field that you LOVE and that makes you happy. However, to get rich and happy, it becomes about how you can help your client in the EXACT place where they want help most.
As a female entrepreneur, it’s in your destiny to earn the income stream that you CHOOSE, and it’s totally within your grasp.
Here’s how:
1. Forget what you’ve learned about SALES, and serve like your life depends on it.
When a women comes to HeartCore Women business coaching company, we know the stages of development a professional woman has to take; however, we don’t know what stage to start with her until we listen to her.
Here’s why too many people are losing sales, and you may be, too!
Try to speak less and listen more. Ask better questions by going DEEP. You see, if your customers or clients are not buying from you, my hunch is you aren’t listening close enough. We teach our clients a process called the ISolve Model.
It’s how you stay out of sales and in service. It’s how you essentially help your client where they need it most. What does this equate to? Massive sales and happy customers. You can do it too… just find out these two things:
What does your client WANT?
…And what is stopping them?
2.Take the FLUFF out of what you are selling online.
Don’t you hate it when you get on a teleclass call or go to a seminar and the person leading the conversation FLUFFS up the audience? I do! My mind goes to – Just get to the point, please!
Fluff looks like overtalking a situation by trying to convince people to believe why you think everyone needs what you are selling. It’s important for YOU to believe that – yes! But all your educating and relationship building happens on your BLOG, and this is why you want to blog on a regular basis to help you earn more money faster.
In light of helping more people and running a conscious business, take your opinion out of the conversation. Just help your customers where they ask to be helped. Speak LESS; ask more questions. Then just give, and solve their problem on the spot by painting them a picture. People appreciate clarity and honesty.
3. Clarity in your offer.
Bullet point your offer and put a price tag on it! Here’s why this is important. It really doesn’t matter what your price is; it matters that you can help your ideal client.
They care about two important things before they will ever work with you.
- Does it work?
- And will it work for them?
It's not about the price. Women entrepreneurs prove this all the time online.
Let me give you a quick disclosure here to put your mind at rest around the money conversation. People who use money as a block to prevent them from moving forward with you are NOT READY for you yet. Bless them and let them go because they are not your ideal client right now.
You remember when you had to ‘go without’ before you finally decided enough was enough and you were going to do something about your life. I certainly remember that day for me. Don't try and persuade people to buy what you have. Speak to the people who are ready and make it obvious that they need what you are giving by being CLEAR. Far too many people get confusing when giving their offer because they get nervous.
For example: We just had two VIP clients earn back their entire year of business coaching fees in one month!That’s what is possible for any of our clients, and I keep that proof in the front of my mind when speaking to new clients to anchor in certainty.
I suggest you discover your ANCHOR so that you don’t waver in front of people when it comes to giving them your offer. This will help you gain more strength in your close.
Any questions? Leave me a comment below in the box, and I’ll get back to you shortly!
In Service,
Shanda Sumpter